Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who Were the Templars?

The knights Templar's were a multifaceted group that not only protected the Pilgrims to the holy land, but they also provided security for the crusader states and their successes provided them with great wealth. Like most monastic organizations, the Templar's were just made of men, which to me isn't fair at all, but women could become Templar's in non-combat roles. The first Templar clothing was rag-tag looking since they got their clothing only through arms. To hide themselves from others, and in the spirit of monasticism, the Templar's knights adopted a White tunic emblazoned with a red cross that also distinguished ranks.
        Sergeants, who unlike knights were non-noble and wore a red cross upon black tunics. There were also Chaplin's, the only clerical brothers who didn't fight. Last but and probably the least important back then were the servants, grooms, and other attendants who supported the Templar's. The knights took their vows for life, but lower-ranking members make only temporary vows. At first Templar's didn't just take anyone; you had to have standards of birth, health, and age but later on when numbers were to small they took anyone who was interested in being a warrior.

What were the military orders of the knight?

The first military order was the order of the temple, formed in the kingdom of Jerusalem in January of 1120. Another order was the order of hospitals, the knights hospitaler was an international military religious order that started in the city of Jerusalem. Hospitalers were originally started to help provide hospital services, but over time they began to go into military responsibilities and they became involved in defensive systems too. The Templars and hospitalers became supernatural religious orders, whose operations on the frontiers of Christendom were supported by donations of land, money and privileges from across Latin Christendom.
      Some military orders were far more localized in their landholdings and vocation: for instance, the Momeal Del Campo was founded by king Alfonso of Aragon in 1122 at Belchite, to defend the southern frontier of his kingdom against the moors (Muslims). Several military orders were started during the 12th and 13th century. Missionary bishops set up military orders to defend converts to Christianity in Livonia and Prussia against their Pagon neighbors.

When you became a knight what kind of weapons would you use?

         When you became a knight your most special weapon was your sword because it represented the symbol of knighthood and was kept close at hand, even during peacetime. Many knights also named their swords special names. When a knight charged into battle he used what's called a lance which is a long wooden spear with a tip of a sharp steel blade and could strike at a short distance or be thrown a long distance. A mace was usually used for knocking people off their horses because the mace was made like a club. The mace could also bring nasty blows to the head and body!  Another weapon used by knights was a flail. The flail was a weapon with a wood handle and a chain attached that held a metal ball covered in spikes.
         As for defensive weapons knights used whats called a caltrop and this weapon was covered in iron spikes and was thrown to the ground to stop horses and men. Swords in this period were made for stabbing and thrusting and was the knights last resort if the previous weapon failed. And if the sword failed then in my opinion the knights fate wouldn't be good, but the knight could use a dagger which is like a knife but a little bigger and a tad bit sharper. Now back to swords, some swords could be up to 4 feet long!! These swords usually needed both hands to swing them but most couldn't even pick them up! All the weapons the knights used were brutal and deadly and were made to kill.

Monday, May 16, 2011

When you became a knight what kind of armor would you wear?

Post #2
What kind of armor does a knight wear?
             In the early years of knights they would use armor called chain mail or just mail. Chain mail was flexible armor that knights could move around in very easily in because it was made of interlinking rings. The shape of the armor fit pretty much everything and covered most of the head and formed a heavy tunic over the body. But chain mail wasn't the best armor because it didn't offer complete protection and could be easily pierced by arrows. Soon knights began to cover their knees with steel plates and in the next hundred years that won't be the only thing they cover with steel plates.
             In the 15th century a full armored knight was completely covered in plate armor and, if you ask me I think that would be very heavy! Also don't be fooled by thinking the knight is restricted and has less agility because plate armor was made with joints and movement was just as easy. All knights had head protection or a helmet. The helmet would cover the whole head, even the face, and also had neck protection that attatched to the helmet. When the helmet covered the face there was a slit or eye holes that could let you see and there was also breathing vents by the mouth. Most of the armor could adjust and make it fit your body. Most of the armor just clamped on which made it way easier to wear.

What kind of training did knights go through to becomae an actual knight?

Post #1
Training to beomce a knight
If you wanted to be a knight you had to be either rich or own a lot of land which isn’t really fair because most people in medieval times weren’t rich and didn’t have land. Usually knights started at the young age of 7!!Most the kids started as a page which was pretty much a servant. The kids were sent to castles as a page to learn respect and responsibility. After about 2 years being a servant the kids would learn how to ride a horse skillfully. As a kid you would just start out riding a wooden box with wheels and other kids would pull you. This would get you use to hitting a target while riding on a horse. The targets that the kids would try and hit were called quintains.
             Once you grew up to the age of about 10 or 11 you started to ride a real horse which wasn’t easy at all. Once you learned how to ride a horse skillfully then you would start learning how to use a weapon while riding a horse, and if you think riding a horse is hard then try striking a moving target at full speed on a horse with a spear!! Once you mastered riding a horse then you would pass the page stage and become a squire. The squire was responsible to help a knight prepare for battle and fight at the knights side during the battle. Once you were eighteen years old or had experienced 4 years of battle there was a ceremony held for the graduating squires that’s would soon become loyal knights.